* Includes the time and talent of two professional, experienced photographers
* 2-3 hour session
* 30+ images on an online gallery for you to download and archive. Gallery includes the option to purchase prints and product easily right from your gallery.
* Session takes place ideally ( but not mandatory) within 6-12 days of birth, use the contact us tab for scheduling.
* Parents and sibling shots are included. We have a sibling policy so please let us know at time of booking if there are siblings.
*Client must provide cake/cupcake client must provide decorations if you would like a specific theme. Cake with less frosting usually works the best.
*Practicing ahead of time with a cupcake can make the cake smash go smoothly.
*Not all little ones like the cake! Please bring puffs or small treat to stick into cake.

We accept checks, credit cards & cash for studio sessions

Payment in full is due at the time of your session.

All products and prices & details subject to change

Please download our waiver for your session 

See our newborn FAQ page for more important information about your session.

Thanks for contacting us.
We will return your inquiry during regular business hours